Ginger Beer V3.4

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BJCP 2021 Style 30A Spiced, Herb and Vegetable Beer


  • Batch Size: 27 liters
  • Boil Size: 27 liters
  • Boil Gravity: 1.040
  • Original Gravity: 1.040
  • Final Gravity: 1.000
  • ABV: 5.22%


TARGET WATER PROFILE: Profile Name: London (Porter, dark ales)

  • Ca2: 100
  • Mg2: 5
  • Na: 35
  • Cl: 60
  • SO4: 50
  • HCO3: 265



  • 1 kg - Cane Sugar (33.3%)
  • 1 kg - Soft Candi Sugar - Blond (33.3%)
  • 1 kg - Brown Sugar (33.3%)

Other Ingredients

  • 1.5 kg - Ginger
  • 20 ml - CRS/AMS


Fermentis / Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04 Optimum Temp: 12.22 - 25 C Fermentation Temp: 26 C Additional Yeast: Windsor

NOTES: This is the video I used for the recipe / ideas:


This is what I actually did

19-06-2024 Boil 27 l of 100 cels water , add AMS 20 ml to get to ph 5.5 for the ale yeast to work, Add 1kg of white granulated sugar, 1kg amber , 1kg dark. Pour this into fermenter 2 FVs, about 13l of sugary hot wort into each FV Leave overnight with lid on firmly, aiming for 26 cels.

If you want a drier beer use more white sugar and less dark sugar. calculated abv would be 4.9% Og = eff x weight (kg) x HWE/ vol SO sugar is normally HWE of 368), white sugar being 100% fermentable (HWE =368), dark being 60% (HWE= 232), so assumed amber would be 80% fermentable (HWE=294)

20-06-2023 Cut the skin of 2 lemons , put in a 2 pateurised muslin bag, then juice the lemons (discarded the rest)

Slowly macerated the 1.5kg ginger, put fibres in same bags as the lemon zest

Put the lemon juice and ginger juice into the FVs as well as the muslin bags with lemon peel and ginger fibres and a whole red scotch bonnet pepper.

THIS TIME I HAD A GINGER PLANT FROM MARCH 24 AND GREW FOR 1 DAY, this will be used to ferment in 1 FV

AND ALE YEAST in the other FV, a combination of windsor. S-O4, lalbrew english ale yeast (from my IPA the week before)

Ale yeast Version has already started fermenting @2pm, OG 1.038

21-6-24, Ale yeast 1.030 (1%), Ginger plant 1.038 (0%) 22-6-24, Ale yeast 1.024 (1.8%), Ginger plant 1.034 (0.5%) 23-6-24, Ale yeast 1.022 (2%), Ginger plant 1.032 (0.8%) 24-6-24 Ginger plant 1.030 (1.0%)

RACKED 23-6-2024 RACKED ale yeast, 4l into bottle, 8l into 2gl barrel, not v fiery 26-6-2024 RACKED ginger plant V4 , 5l into bottle, 9l into 2gl barrel, v fiery fiery I was drinking it 2 days later BUT NOT AS GOOD AS V1, BUT STILL PRETTY GOOD