How Now, Brown Ale?

How Now, Brown Ale? By Mark Sanderson
Recipe is part of Recipe Index
BJCP 2021 Style Historical Beer: London Brown Ale
The kit I use (BrewHa Brew In A Conical) delivers a fairly low BH efficiency (typically 67%), so bear this in mind if using this recipe.
LAB Open 2023 (Hammerton Brewery, 14/5/2023)
1st - International Amber and Brown Ale
Hayesenbrau Award (London Amateur Brewers at Mash Paddle May 2023)
Hayesenbrau 2023 - 1st place
Reading Amateur Brewers Sour & Session (Phantom Brewing Co, April 2023)
1st - British / Irish Ales (a version of this beer that was not back-sweetened with caramel syrup).
- IBU 18.9
- ABV 3.4%
- OG 1.046
- FG 1.020
- EBC 50.3
- 65 litres at end of boil.
- 62.5 litres into fermenter.
- Tap water (Catford, SE London)
- Small pinch of Potassium Metabisulphate
- Calcium 147, Magnesium 11, Sodium 36, Chloride 179, Sulfate 83, Cl/S04 2.15
- ph 5.20 intended (came out at 5.10)
- Warminster Floor Malted Marris Otter 55.3%
- Simpsons Caramalt 35EBC 12.0%
- Simpsons Caramalt 60EBC 7.5%
- Brown Malt 525EBC 5.7%
- Weyermann Acidulated 3.5EBC 4.5%
- Wayermann Carafa 3 1400EBC 1.6%
- Melanoidin Malt 70EBC 1.6%
- Chocolate Malt 950EBC 0.8%
- Lactose 6.2%
- Lyle’s Golden Syrup 4.8%
- See ‘Serving’ for caramel addition.
- Target (whole) 9.11%AA 45 mins 12.5IBUs
- Challenger (whole) 8.0AA 15 mins 6.4IBUs
- Mangrove Jack M46 Liberty Bell (3 packets for 60L batch, 510B cells called for)
Brew in a Conical method where the (almost) full boil volume is mashed within the 3-in-1 vessel and then the grains are withdrawn at the end of the mash. The wort is fermented and boiled in the same vessel.
- 1hr 15mins at 72c
- 10 mins Mash out at 78c
- 3L of the make-up water used to rinse the grain.
- 60 mins
- Added NBS Clarity at point of pitching (for gluten reduction - family member is a coeliac)
- 20c for 3 days
- 22c for 2 days
- Force-carbonated in corny keg incrementally until it felt right. Carbonation is fairly low, though.
- Back-sweetened with 2ml per Litre of Monin Caramel Syrup.