Mayday Leap - Maibock
By Ian Cosier
Recipe is part of Recipe Index
BJCP 2021 Style 4C Helles Bock
This was my favourite brew of 2021. I conditioned it for 10 months as it was initially very hoppy. It was lovely after about 3 months, but if you wanted to drink earlier you might dial down the late hops by 20-30%.
LAB Open 2024 (Hammerton Brewery, London 19/5/2024)
2nd - German Pale Beers
Lager Than Life 2022 (Pillars Brewery, London 5/3/2022)
3rd - Best in Show
1st - Strong Lagers
Scottish National Home Brew Competition 2022 (Remote judging 02/2022)
2nd - Pale Lagers & Wheat Beer
Brew Con World Series IV (Hackney Brewery, London 5/11/2021)
2nd - German Ales and Lagers
- IBU 29
- ABV 6.2%
- OG 1.065
- FG 1.013
- EBC 13
- 44.8 litres at end of boil.
1:4 Sulphate to Chloride ratio Aim for 75ppm Calcium after the boil.
- Weyermann Pilsner, 3 EBC, 7100g, 63.2%
- Weyermann Vienna, 6 EBC, 2340g, 20.8%
- Weyermann Munich I, 14 EBC, 1460g, 13%
- Aromatic malt, 100 EBC, 340g, 3%
- 86g Saaz 4.7% AA @ 60 min left of boil
- 23g Northern Brewer 6% AA @ 60 min left of boil
- 22g Saaz 4.7% AA @ 5 min left of boil
- 22g Saaz 4.7% AA @ Steep for 30 min at 80C
Imperial Harvest Yeast #L17
Mashed overnight starting at 68C.
If I was just mashing for an hour or so I would probably do a step mash or 66 deg single step.
90 minutes
Fermented on yeast cake that was an 8 litre batch of Vienna lager brewed with the Harvest yeast. Performed a fast ferment profile:
- Ferment at 11C until 50% to terminal gravity (1039), then 12-14C until 75% to terminal gravity (1025), then 15-16.5C until 90% to terminal gravity (1017), then 18C until terminal gravity (1012)