The Glass of Art

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By Arthur Olcot

Recipe is part of Recipe Index

BJCP 2021 Style 11B Best Bitter

Name inspired from seeing a shop whilst out walking called, The Art of Glass, and I thought it would be cool to just flip the words about seeing as my nickname is Art. Aiming for the lighter end of the BJCP guidelines for a Best Bitter. The chocolate wheat is probably fairly unusual in this style but wanted to see what it brings. Also wanted to try a single hop bitter as well.


LAB Open 2024 (Hammerton Brewery, London, 19/5/2024)

3rd - British Bitter and Irish Ale


  • IBU 38
  • ABV 4.1%
  • OG 1.040
  • FG 1.009
  • Pre boil gravity: 1.034
  • EBC 22.5
  • 20 litre batch volume



  • Ca2+ 122
  • Mg2+ 0
  • Na+ 0
  • Cl- 98
  • SO42- 159
  • HCO3- 0


  • 3.3 kg (89.4%) — Simpsons Pale Ale Finest Maris Otter — Grain — 5 EBC
  • 210 g (5.7%) — Dingemans Biscuit — Grain — 44.5 EBC
  • 130 g (3.5%) — Crisp Light Crystal 150 — Grain — 170 EBC

Added at end of mash during recirculation:

  • 25 g (0.7%) — Simpsons Chocolate Malt — Grain — 1185 EBC — Mash — 15 min
  • 25 g (0.7%) — Weyermann Chocolate Wheat — Grain — 1150 EBC — Mash — 15 min


  • 35 g (29 IBU) — Bramling Cross 6.15% — Boil — 60 min
  • 15 g (6 IBU) — Bramling Cross 6.15% — Boil — 15 min
  • 15 g (2 IBU) — Bramling Cross 6.15% — Boil — 5 min
  • 20 g — Bramling Cross 6.15% — Boil — 0 min


  • White Labs WLP013 London Ale from starter
  • 236 billion yeast cells, 0.99 million cells / ml / °P



  • Single infusion at 65C for 60 minutes.
  • Use lactic acid to adjust to pH 5.3 when cooled to room temperature.


60 minute boil


  • 2.24 g — Irish Moss — Boil — 10 min
  • 0.22 g — Yeast Nutrients — Boil — 10 min


  • Primary — 20 °C — 4 days
  • Diac rest — 22 °C — 3 days
  • Cold crash then package