February Meeting Details
There’s now a confirmed subject for Monday’s meeting: Brewing Big Beers. Can’t wait!
There’s now a confirmed subject for Monday’s meeting: Brewing Big Beers. Can’t wait!
Details in the sidebar -> There is currently no talk but we’re working on it! Watch this space… There will also be the usual beer tasting and evaluation and question and answer session. If you have beer for the tasting,…
Details in the sidebar -> Our first meeting of 2011 hopes to offer a little something to sharpen your senses for a year of great beer. Intrigued? Come along… There will also be the usual beer tasting and evaluation and…
The next meeting will be held at the usual venue – The Wenlock Arms, 6 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7TA. The talk: how to (safely) convert a cheap kettle into an element for your boiler by Mike Ellenberg – a…
The second of our monthly socials, this time seeing the LAB crew descend on the marvellous Cask Pub & Kitchen, Charlwood Street (in between Pimlico and Victoria stations): [googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=the+cask+charlwood+street&sll=51.495492,-0.132737&sspn=0.014935,0.043473&ie=UTF8&hq=the+cask+charlwood+street&hnear=&t=h&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=7204305751001387494&ll=51.491085,-0.13731&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Interested in meeting fellow home-brewers and drinking from one of…
A new monthly addition to the LAB calendar is a social event for members, friends, family, brewers and the generally beer-curious. Each month we’ll choose a different location from among London’s top beer pubs, go there and, erm, have a…
Tonight = LAB meeting, normal place -> Tomorrow = BrewDog free tasting session at The Rake, 8pm onwards. Event details here. Wednesday = oh dear.
London Underground have scheduled a 24-hour strike to start on Monday evening. The LAB meeting will go ahead regardless, in the unlikely event that there are no underground trains working there are still lots of good bus connections from nearby…
After last month’s visit to GBBF (anyone got any photos btw?) we’re back to the regular format – first Monday of the month, upstairs at the Wenlock Arms. Details in the sidebar -> If you’re interested in getting into brewing…
A break from the usual format – the next LAB meeting is a group social at the Great British Beer Festival. We’ll be the smart, good-looking ones hanging out by the ‘Real Ale in a Bottle’ stand all night (well,…