Tag meeting

LAB Social This Thursday (21/10/10)

The second of our monthly socials, this time seeing the LAB crew descend on the marvellous Cask Pub & Kitchen, Charlwood Street (in between Pimlico and Victoria stations): [googlemaps http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=the+cask+charlwood+street&sll=51.495492,-0.132737&sspn=0.014935,0.043473&ie=UTF8&hq=the+cask+charlwood+street&hnear=&t=h&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=7204305751001387494&ll=51.491085,-0.13731&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Interested in meeting fellow home-brewers and drinking from one of…

LAB Social This Thursday (23rd Sep 2010)

A new monthly addition to the LAB calendar is a social event for members, friends, family, brewers and the generally beer-curious. Each month we’ll choose a different location from among London’s top beer pubs, go there and, erm, have a…

Meeting -vs- Tube Strike

London Underground have scheduled a 24-hour strike to start on Monday evening. The LAB meeting will go ahead regardless, in the unlikely event that there are no underground trains working there are still lots of good bus connections from nearby…

Next Meeting: Monday 6th September

After last month’s visit to GBBF (anyone got any photos btw?) we’re back to the regular format – first Monday of the month, upstairs at the Wenlock Arms. Details in the sidebar -> If you’re interested in getting into brewing…

Next LAB Meeting: Monday 5th July

The next meeting will take place from 6.30pm, upstairs at The Wenlock Arms (address in sidebar ->) The agenda for July is a talk on Batch Sparging by Mark Brogden, a taste-test for CBA National competition entries plus the usual…

Next Meeting: Monday 7th June 2010

The next meeting (after tonight’s) will take place from 6.30pm, upstairs at The Wenlock Arms (address in sidebar ->) The agenda for March is a talk on Dark German Lagers by Paul Henderson plus the usual home-brewing Q&A and tasting…

Next Meeting: Monday 1st March 2010

The next meeting will take place from 6.30pm, upstairs at The Wenlock Arms (address in sidebar ->) The agenda for March is a talk on Golden Lagers by Mike E. plus the usual home-brewing Q&A and tasting and evaluation of…

Next Meeting: Monday 1st February 2010

Meeting starts at 6.30pm (address in sidebar ->) As well as tasting and evaluation of members’ beers, long-serving member Evin will give an update on how he’s getting on with setting up his new microbrewery, The Kernel Brewery, located in…