Lager Than Life
Together with our friends at Pillars Brewery we’re excited to announce the 6th edition of Lager Than Life - 22 March 2025.
Together with our friends at Pillars Brewery we’re excited to announce the 6th edition of Lager Than Life - 22 March 2025.
Tonight the London Amateur Brewers and Kernel will be launching their collaboration brew at the Draft House, Tower Bridge. The beer was designed by members of the London Amateur Brewers and is a Slovenian hopped Pale Ale named ABC. It uses Aurora, Bobek and…
In line with LAB tradition the August meeting will be held at GBBF on the Wednesday night (8th). For tickets please visit (£6 Camra members / £8 non member) We will meet around the bottled beer stand as usual, from 3pm…
The second of our monthly socials, this time seeing the LAB crew descend on the marvellous Cask Pub & Kitchen, Charlwood Street (in between Pimlico and Victoria stations): [googlemaps,-0.132737&sspn=0.014935,0.043473&ie=UTF8&hq=the+cask+charlwood+street&hnear=&t=h&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=7204305751001387494&ll=51.491085,-0.13731&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Interested in meeting fellow home-brewers and drinking from one of…
A new monthly addition to the LAB calendar is a social event for members, friends, family, brewers and the generally beer-curious. Each month we’ll choose a different location from among London’s top beer pubs, go there and, erm, have a…
A break from the usual format – the next LAB meeting is a group social at the Great British Beer Festival. We’ll be the smart, good-looking ones hanging out by the ‘Real Ale in a Bottle’ stand all night (well,…
…the 18th of March, London Amateur Brewers will be mostly drinking at the London Drinker Beer and Cider Festival. Come along and join us…
LAB are taking part in this year’s Big Brew, so May 2nd (or thereabouts) will see us all brewing the ‘SS Minnow Mild’ recipe. You can find out what its all about or get involved yourself here.