December Meeting – Monday 5th

As per tradition, December’s LAB meeting will be an ‘extreme’ beers themed night, held at the Wenlock Arms. Bring along your ‘extreme’ beers and remember, extreme doesn’t just mean strong!

A New London Home-brewing Festival

Earlier this year we heard that the London and South East Craft Brewing Festival, which has been held annually in Sutton, was not going ahead. I am pleased to announce that the London Amateur Brewers have taken over the organisation…

Home Made Stir Plate

LAB member Dave Wilton updates us on his home made stir plate build: With the help of the London Amateur Brewers (LAB) and a few web sites I recently made a simple stir plate for propagating yeast. I presented my…

August Meeting – GBBF

August sees us taking a break from the usual schedule and we traditionally hold our meeting as a social at the Great British Beer Festival. Join us on Wednesday 3rd August from 6pm onwards. We gather in the seating area…

May Meeting – Cancelled

Due to the sad news of the passing of our founder member, Ant Hayes, there will be no meeting tonight. Instead, members are encouraged to come to The Wenlock a week today (16th May) at 7pm to raise a glass…

Next Meeting: 4th April 2011

Yes, we’re still here… upstairs in The Wenlock Arms, 26 Wenlock Road London N1 7TA. 6pm onwards. This month’s talk is an experiment: Is there a noticeable difference in priming sugar types? Ben Fields has had an interesting idea to…