UK Beer Festival Calendar
From the website comes this handy list – a calendar of UK beer festivals of all sizes, more comprehensive (and user-friendly) than the one on CAMRAs site. Worth a look if you’re festival-inclined.
From the website comes this handy list – a calendar of UK beer festivals of all sizes, more comprehensive (and user-friendly) than the one on CAMRAs site. Worth a look if you’re festival-inclined.
Its still in its infancy but LAB now have a presence on the omnipresent Facebook. Unsurprisingly, the direct URL is Come pay a visit, say ‘Hi’, give us a ‘Like’ and stir up a debate. All welcome.
Tomorrow (that’s Sunday 9th January) LAB’s first official professional member launches his Black IPA at The Rake bar in London Bridge, 12-6pm. Evin of the Kernel Brewery is a long-standing member and supporter of LAB, even though he doesn’t come…
Details in the sidebar -> Our first meeting of 2011 hopes to offer a little something to sharpen your senses for a year of great beer. Intrigued? Come along… There will also be the usual beer tasting and evaluation and…
The next meeting will be held at the usual venue – The Wenlock Arms, 6 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7TA. The talk: how to (safely) convert a cheap kettle into an element for your boiler by Mike Ellenberg – a…
The second of our monthly socials, this time seeing the LAB crew descend on the marvellous Cask Pub & Kitchen, Charlwood Street (in between Pimlico and Victoria stations): [googlemaps,-0.132737&sspn=0.014935,0.043473&ie=UTF8&hq=the+cask+charlwood+street&hnear=&t=h&z=14&iwloc=A&cid=7204305751001387494&ll=51.491085,-0.13731&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Interested in meeting fellow home-brewers and drinking from one of…
Here are the beers from the tasting at the October meeting – a selection of microbrews from northern France that although with definite influences from across the Belgian border, have a unique character of their own. Who said the French…
Loving this beer styles infographic from POP CHART LAB in Brooklyn… Even better, you can buy it here.
A new monthly addition to the LAB calendar is a social event for members, friends, family, brewers and the generally beer-curious. Each month we’ll choose a different location from among London’s top beer pubs, go there and, erm, have a…
Tonight = LAB meeting, normal place -> Tomorrow = BrewDog free tasting session at The Rake, 8pm onwards. Event details here. Wednesday = oh dear.