Brewing Triple IPAs

This month (January, 2022), Ian Cosier and James Wilson gave us a detailed overview of their approach to brewing big, hoppy Triple IPAs. Here’s the video and slides from the talk.

Mash Hopping Adventures

This month (October, 2021) former chairman Ken Bazley gave us a talk on his experiments in mash hopping. We’ll be tasting the brews from this talk at the next in-person meeting on November 1st, 2021! And here’s the slides from…

Bring Your Porter

Following his win in this years Haysenbrau competition, this month (September, 2021), Lee Immins gave us an overview of how he came up with and developed the recipe for his multi-award winning porter. Here’s the video and slides from the…

Hayesenbrau 2021

Last night we finally got to hold our annual Hayesenbrau competition where we had 19 different examples of Porter. 🍻 Congratulations to Lee Immins for winning the with the best beer of the evening! It was a brilliant way to…

Brewing Hoppy Beers

This month (July 2021), Fraser Withers gave us an awesome overview of how he goes about brewing his award winning hoppy beers. If you want to brew a hoppy beer anywhere near as good as Frasers, this is a must…