Halloween Round-up

Next meetThe next meeting of London Amateur Brewers will take place on Monday 2nd November at 6.30pm, upstairs at The Wenlock Arms (6 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7TA). We’ll be electing the next chairperson (exciting!) and the talk will be…

Next Meeting Tuesday 5 May

LAB’s May meeting will feature a talk from member Tony C on hops and their use, followed by Q&A and general discussion, as well as the tasting and evaluation of members’ beers. All new members welcome, just turn up on…

Next Meeting, Monday 6th April

*CORRECTION* (Just like they do on the underground) The next LAB meeting will be on Monday 6th April, normal time, normal place (details at the top of the page). For the following months, in a departure from the normal meeting…

The Big Brew

LAB are taking part in this year’s Big Brew, so May 2nd (or thereabouts) will see us all brewing the ‘SS Minnow Mild’ recipe. You can find out what its all about or get involved yourself here.

February 09 Update

The dramatic weather conditions totally did for the February get-together, and so the next LAB meeting will take place on Monday 2nd March, from 6pm onwards at the Wenlock Arms. All new members welcome. Pub map updateA few more pubs…

December Meeting Roundup

A little late on this one considering it happened exactly 1 month, 1 hour and 19 minutes ago. This time it was the turn of Mike C. (We have a lot of Mikes at LAB. And Tonys. That’s just how…

November Meeting Roundup

A BIG thanks to Mike for his excellent and thorough introduction to German beers, including social and political contexts which have shaped the beer as much as the country over the years. And the herculean effort of bringing 2 fantastic…

Next Meeting: Monday 3rd November

This month’s featured style is ‘An Introduction to German Beers’ by our resident expert, Mike. Expect lots of samples of some of the more hard to find beers and a great deal of insight into the delicious and varied beers…