August Meeting – GBBF
August sees us taking a break from the usual schedule and we traditionally hold our meeting as a social at the Great British Beer Festival. Join us on Wednesday 3rd August from 6pm onwards. We gather in the seating area…
August sees us taking a break from the usual schedule and we traditionally hold our meeting as a social at the Great British Beer Festival. Join us on Wednesday 3rd August from 6pm onwards. We gather in the seating area…
The next meeting will take place at The Wenlock Arms, 6.30pm onwards. Details in the sidebar –> This month’s talk is ‘Parti-Gyle’ by Ken Bazley.
Meet at The Wenlock, 6.30pm for a 7pm start, to raise a glass in memory of our founder member, Ant Hayes.
Due to the sad news of the passing of our founder member, Ant Hayes, there will be no meeting tonight. Instead, members are encouraged to come to The Wenlock a week today (16th May) at 7pm to raise a glass…
Yes, we’re still here… upstairs in The Wenlock Arms, 26 Wenlock Road London N1 7TA. 6pm onwards. This month’s talk is an experiment: Is there a noticeable difference in priming sugar types? Ben Fields has had an interesting idea to…
In amongst all the stories about how London’s air kills you, you’ve been burgled whilst out at work and your house is now worth 0.01% less than when you left it this morning I spotted some good news. According to…
There’s now a confirmed subject for Monday’s meeting: Brewing Big Beers. Can’t wait!
Details in the sidebar -> There is currently no talk but we’re working on it! Watch this space… There will also be the usual beer tasting and evaluation and question and answer session. If you have beer for the tasting,…
From the website comes this handy list – a calendar of UK beer festivals of all sizes, more comprehensive (and user-friendly) than the one on CAMRAs site. Worth a look if you’re festival-inclined.
Its still in its infancy but LAB now have a presence on the omnipresent Facebook. Unsurprisingly, the direct URL is Come pay a visit, say ‘Hi’, give us a ‘Like’ and stir up a debate. All welcome.