Lallemand WildBrew™ Philly Sour
This month (December, 2021), we were once again joined by Andrew Paterson (@lallemandy1 on Twitter) from Lallemand to talk to us about their Philly Sour yeast strain.
This month (December, 2021), we were once again joined by Andrew Paterson (@lallemandy1 on Twitter) from Lallemand to talk to us about their Philly Sour yeast strain.
This month (November, 2021) David McCarthy gave us a talk about the iSpindel DIY hydrometer covering how you can buy or build one and how they work. The talk/presentation is about 40 minutes, the rest is a very in depth…
This month (October, 2021) former chairman Ken Bazley gave us a talk on his experiments in mash hopping. We’ll be tasting the brews from this talk at the next in-person meeting on November 1st, 2021! And here’s the slides from…
Following his win in this years Haysenbrau competition, this month (September, 2021), Lee Immins gave us an overview of how he came up with and developed the recipe for his multi-award winning porter. Here’s the video and slides from the…
This month (August 2021), Darren Oakley gave us a talk on his experiences of running his own commercial brewery out of his garage. This includes notes on what was needed to get going and a retrospective on how it went.…
This month (July 2021), Fraser Withers gave us an awesome overview of how he goes about brewing his award winning hoppy beers. If you want to brew a hoppy beer anywhere near as good as Frasers, this is a must…
This month (June, 2021), Steve Smith gave us an introduction to pressurised fermentation. It was a great talk and kicked off over AN HOUR of questions and conversations afterwards so it’s definitely worth a watch! Here’s the video and slides…
This month (May, 2021) Serge Savin gave us a deep dive into step mashing. This is an excellent overview of how varying the temperature of your mash can have an impact on the finished beer.
This month (April, 2021) we were joined by Andrew Paterson (@lallemandy1 on Twitter) from Lallemand to talk to us about co-fermentation – how to use two yeasts together effectivley your brewing. And here’s the talk on yeast nutrition that’s mentioned…
In this short video, Rob Gallagher (@Cuichulain) gives us an overview of how he fills bottles from a keg using a beer gun.